How great is that feeling when you’re back home after a trip, the laundry is done, the fridge is stocked, & you’re ready for a fresh week? 😌
Nothing makes your routine feel like home like not doing it for a while.
I love so much about traveling including the way it narrows my focus to the moment I’m in.
☀️ It forces me to consider things that are usually automatic like- what do I want to do today?
☀️ It brings mindfulness like- how does this new food taste?
☀️ It helps me fine-tune the way I do things when I bring new ideas & experiences home with me.
It is that & so much more.
But how do we get back to the routine when we’re home?
Some ideas to make it easier:
🥗 Plan & shop for 2-3 meals, restock your staples (if you’re super organized you can place a grocery delivery order before your trip or while you’re traveling home so your groceries arrive when you do)
🧺 Unpack, do a load of laundry
🏋️ Get in a workout even if it’s short. If you didn’t train during your trip you may want to ease back in with shorter &/or lighter workouts
🎧 Put on the music that makes you feel like you & go for a walk
💅🏻 Take care of you: nails, toes, face mask- whatever makes you feel cared for
💧Hydrate (especially if you've had a long flight)
🛌 Get a good night of sleep
Don’t get stuck in the inertia of “off the wagon” or "all or nothing" thinking. Do what you know will help you- it doesn’t take a lot to create momentum!
That's really a nice summary of how coming back home feels to me. Thanks for putting words to what I experience.